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Les invités
Diane Jodes & Robert Hall

14.IX.2025 @ 17h00

expo (entrée gratuite):
14.IX. – 05.X.2025
Wednesday to Sunday 14:00-18:00


Siège Social: VEINER KONSTGALERIE: 6, impasse Léon Roger L-9410 VIANDEN | G.D. Luxembourg | Europe

Contact: ViArt a.s.b.l. | 6, impasse Léon Roger L-9410 VIANDEN | viart[at] | T.: (+352) 621520943


DROITS D'AUTEURS: ViArt Graphic Designs by Gutz ; ViArt Webpage Design by Ania Polfer ; Text corrections by Raymond Gaasch or Marie-Josée Kerschen or Ania Polfer or Christiane Schmalen or Zahrée Veerman ; Photos by: Ania Polfer, Gery Oth, Gutz, Jengel Klasen, Marie-Josée Kerschen, Naturpark Our (Raymond Clement, Caroline Martin), Veiner Fotoclub: Paul Holweck, Gérard Claude, Bolly ; KonschtmArt illustration by Zahrée Veerman


Last update: 03.III.2025

Counter since Januar 2018

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